Giovelli Design is the brainchild of Luigi Giovelli (Rossano Calabro, April 16, 1939). Poet, great lover of history and philosophy, at the age of two he moved to Pontecagnano, in the province of Salerno.

He is an archaeology and nature enthusiast, and already in the early stages of his adolescence he began to manifest an innate passion for shapes and colors. After a not simple childhood in a post-war southern Italy and a youth marked by economic difficulties, in the early '60s the adventurous and entrepreneurial spirit starts to emerge and Luigi Giovelli, in search of fortune, moves to Germany where he works in several textile factories. On the advice of a German engineer he began to study English, and thanks to these studies in September 1970 he got a job as a linguistic mediator at the Command Pay Office of BAOR (British Army of the Rhine) in Mönchengladbach. In those years he also began to compose several poems, most of them in German.
These work experiences only fed his desire to bring out and develop his ideas in the world of international business.

Back in Italy at the end of the '70s he came into contact with various figures of the Italian and foreign industrial scene. After various commercial collaborations, he understood that in order to give vent to the ideas he had developed around Europe, he had to set up his own business. In 1978 he founded Stable Albums, a company that takes its name from its operational headquarters, a real stable for calves located in Salerno. His elegance and his artistic side finally find their outlet in the creation of covers for photo albums and within a few years the Giovelli brand is already famous in Italy.

In the following years, the company moved to Pontecagnano, via Firenze, where Stable Albums gained more and more momentum and with it the commercial relations with Spain, Austria, Germany and France.

In the 90's the transfer in Pacinotti street where the activity can count on a space of more than 300 square meters.

In 2010 here is the turning point. His daughter Giulia comes into play and with her strong artistic talents transforms the Stable Albums into Giovelli Albums and projects it towards new horizons. As a matter of fact, the commercial ties with foreign countries are tuned on a worldwide scale thanks also to e-commerce. Exports to the USA and Australia are becoming increasingly frequent.

In 2019, Giovelli Albums became Giovelli Design and the leadership of the business was permanently entrusted to a long-time student of the master Giovelli: Angelo Scariati. The latter, after making his own the teachings of the founding father of the brand, aims to continue to innovate and intertwine the luxury of Italian craftsmanship with the beauty of modern and contemporary art.

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